Another Reason To Love Baseball: Charlie Blackmon Didn't Even Play The Field Until His Senior Year Of College

It's downright staggering that Charlie Blackmon didn't starting hitting until he was a senior at Georgia Tech. Like I knew he was a sweet dude and super laid back and very much into the outdoors and nature. I heard several stories of how relatable and normal he is. But at no point was I prepared to learn that he never even hit at a competitive level until he was a senior at GT and legitimately out of career options. Like he legitimately just thought that would be his last shot at the game, and then a couple years later he won an MLB batting title. 

If you've played higher than JV than you can understand how 1st hand utterly preposterous that career trajectory is. Not to mention the informality and casualness he exudes about it is a nice little ego check. You hear him talk about the big leagues and it resonates why some of these guys are just born, not made. 

Also cool to hear about the All Star game from a couple of guys who actually played (and got snubbed) throughout their career. We'll be out in LA on Monday and Tuesday so I'll get to make my first appearance. Looking to make it routine so please subscribe to the show so I don't have to go back to selling insurance. 

PS - I will never understand how the Rockies just let Nolan Arenado walk after two seasons of an 8-year deal. Awkward spot for Chuck to have to get into that but it's borderline crazy to me that Arenado leaves and then the next year KB shows up all smiles and hugs. I don't get it, but same time I completely agree with Charlie here. It's really hard to take a guy like that away from your team and still get better. 

PPS - some really cool shit here about playing at Coors that I never thought of. Subscribe to the show here: 

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